Summer Outdoor Activities For The Elderly

Summer is upon us again and many are already planning what they want to do this season. Of course, seniors shouldn’t miss the opportunity to get out and have some fun. But what should they do exactly? Home health care provider Amavi guides you through some great activities to try out on these sunny days. 

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Why Seniors Should Be Active This Summer

Okay, so being active is something that seniors should be doing all year round. But summer is especially a great season for it. Here are the reasons why your older loved ones should get into it. 

Vitamin D, Lots Of It

As you already know, vitamin D is essential for the body. More so for seniors. The nutrient helps regulate the calcium island phosphate in the body. In turn, these two nutrients help ensure that bones, teeth, and muscles are healthy, all of which are significant concerns for older people. 

And a good amount of exposure to sunlight helps the body produce an ample supply of vitamin D. The summer months provide you with longer daytimes and fairer weather for all that exposure. 


The Summer season is also great for getting a good amount of exercise. The warm weather encourages you to be more active. What’s more, your loved one can get that exercise without realizing it simply by being more active. 


Lower Stress

You might not realize it, but the summer months can also be great for lowering stress. During the winter, people can experience what is known as Seasonal Affective Disorder. That is that feeling of tiredness, low mood, or depression. SAD is often triggered by shorter daylight hours, dark mornings, and bad weather. 

Another way summer can lower your stress levels is that the season also helps you get more sleep. That is because all that activity helps your body get tired faster, helping you sleep sooner. A good amount of sleep is essential for older people. 

Boosts The Immune System

With all the health concerns seniors have to deal with, a strong immune system is a must. Partaking in various summer activities can help you boost it significantly. According to experts, being outdoors helps increase the white blood cell count. 

Additionally, summertime can help make recoveries from surgery or other medical procedures faster. According to studies, people recovering from spinal surgeries who spent more time outdoors recovered faster than those who stayed indoors. They also needed less medication for recovery. 

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The Best Summertime Activities For Seniors

With all of these benefits, your older loved ones would want to get into the summertime fun. But just going out a bit is boring. So, here is the list of summer activities you can encourage them to try out. 

A Leisurely Walk

As it is, walking is already a great form of exercise. It gives seniors a good amount of cardiovascular workouts without exerting a lot. But don’t just go for a simple stroll. You can make it more interesting for them. 

For instance, you can walk through the various places in the neighborhood familiar to them. During that walk, you can talk with them about why they like these places. It is a great way for them to reminisce and exercise their memories. 

You can go further and do scenic walks to nearby places of interest, such as parks, aquariums, or zoos. These places sometimes offer discounted rates for seniors. If the weather is hot, you can opt for places like museums or art galleries. 

A Day Trip

If you want something more exciting than a walk, you and your older loved one can go on a day trip. There are a lot of options here. If you don’t want to leave the city, you and your loved one can head to the local flea market and check stuff around. Or you can shop in the mall.

On the other hand, you can also go to places outside of town. A day hike is a good option for more adventurous seniors. Choose some place that has trails intended for older people. That makes it easier for them to enjoy the exploration trip. You would also want to go to one with a large camping ground so that they can sit back and relax their tired feed afterward. 

Lawn Games

For a more intense activity, you can get your senior relatives to play lawn games. Some of the popular ones you and your loved one can enjoy include: 

  • Cornhole
  • Spikeball
  • Bocce ball
  • Lawn darts.

These games are simple and easy to get into. However, if your loved one prefers it, you can try more physically involved games like lawn tennis or even dodgeball. All these games help them satisfy their competitive edge and train their memory. You can go further and organize these games for other seniors in your neighborhood so that your loved one can mingle with them. 

Dance Classes

Dancing is another popular social activity for many seniors. And the summer months are perfect for organizing such events. Additionally, you can sign up your loved one for classes. Here, you can encourage them to try out new styles like modern dance and even ballet. 

As is with the games, you can do this as a regular event at your home for summer. Encourage your loved one to invite their friends to socialize more. 



You can also make the summer months more meaningful to your older loved ones by encouraging them to volunteer. For instance, you can let them participate in cleaning drives your community organizes. Or you can sign them up as a guest teacher in the local orphanage. 

In all of these, it would be a good idea to join. That will encourage your older loved ones to participate more. Additionally, you can better monitor them as they get on with their work. 


Some Things To Consider

While the summer months are a great season for all these activities, you should also be aware of the dangers for your older loved ones. In particular, heat exhaustion and heatstroke are always a concern. 

So make sure that your loved one has ample protection. Bring as much water as possible during your outdoor trips to ensure they are properly hydrated. Make them wear the proper attire for the occasion, such as loo9se clothing and comfy footwear. Don’t forget to bring things like a hat and sunblock. 

It is also vital you create an emergency strategy should the need arise. For instance, you should check the medical facilities near you or the area you are heading out to. You and your loved one should also review the first aid steps should they feel something. 

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Getting The Best Home Health Care Team To Accompany You

During these outdoor summer escapades, you would also want to get the help of a good home health care provider. Amavi gives all the medical support you need, including companion services during these trips. Our caregivers are well-trained to deliver medical care on the spot. Contact us today and let’s work together to make it a fun summer for your older loved ones.


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