
Frequently Asked Questions

Home Health

What is Home Health Care?
Who may benefit from Home Health services? 
How do I know if Home Health is appropriate?
What types of services does Amavi provide?
What is the admission process?
How do I get started with Amavi Home Health?
Who pays for Home Health?
How often will the care team visit?
How does Amavi involve patients and families?
What is an interdisciplinary team?


What is Hospice Care?
Who is eligible for Hospice Care?
What services does Hospice Care provide?
Where is Hospice Care provided?
How do I get started with Amavi Hospice?
What is the admission process?
Who pays for Hospice?
How can Hospice Care benefit the patient and family?
Can a patient be discharged from Hospice Care?
What is the role of the family in Hospice Care?