Staying Healthy During The Holidays

The holidays are a time of celebrations and fun. But during all the festivities, you might be indulging a bit too much. Providers of home health care offer a word of caution, as these can cause many problems once the party is over. But how do you stay healthy during this time of the year? Let’s find out in this guide.

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The Health Concerns You Encounter During The Holidays

Before we talk about health tips, you need to know the concerns you might encounter during the holidays. Many of these risks are often due to you being too preoccupied with the celebrations. By knowing what issues to watch out for, you can be more conscious of your actions. 


We can all agree that food is the centerpiece of holiday celebrations. With all the tasty dishes on the table, you might find it hard to resist the temptation to eat a lot. However, overeating during the season can lead to various health issues. 

Foremost of this is weight gain. Depending on how much you eat during this season, you might gain as much as 10 pounds. This weight gain can be hard to counter after the holidays, especially if you are not exercising regularly. 

Food-Related Illnesses

Aside from weight gain, you might also have to deal with food-related illnesses during the holiday season. Poisoning is a common scenario. That usually happens when you eat leftover holiday food not stored properly. Additionally, there might be some cross-contamination, especially when eating food from large gatherings. 

For the most part, food poisoning isn’t going to be fatal if treated immediately. However, it can still ruin the holiday fun if you have to stay in the hospital for a few days. Additionally, it can make it harder for you to get back into post-holiday mode. 

Chronic Illnesses

Chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart ailments are year-round health concerns. But the holidays can aggravate your condition. The abovementioned weight gain, for instance, can increase the risk of these diseases. 

The holidays can also be surprisingly stressful. You have to deal with the rigors of preparing events and parties, which can affect your overall health. In turn, this can also aggravate existing conditions. 

Colds And Contagious Diseases

Due to the season, the holidays are also sadly a time for colds. Having a cold or flu during the festivities can dampen the fun. With a large number of people in gatherings, there is a higher chance of you infecting others or catching the virus yourself. That is also very much true with other contagious diseases prevalent this season. 

Holiday-Related Injuries

With all the preparations and activities, you also find yourself at a higher risk of encountering injuries and accidents. Kitchen-related injuries are the most common ones you will encounter here. These include:

  • Scalds and burns
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Falls
  • Smoke inhalation
  • Electric shocks
  • Fractures

Older people are often the most susceptible to these accidents. Their weaker bodies mean that the resulting injuries might be more significant. As such, they need to be more careful when doing holiday preparations. 

Too Much Alcohol

Much like overeating, drinking too much can be a perennial holiday health hazard. Being in the mood for partying can result in you drinking way beyond your usual limit. Too much alcohol can result in various issues, like a nasty hangover, constipation, or other stomach issues. You might also exhibit erratic behavior due to intoxication.

Common Elderly Health Issues

How You Can Stay Healthy During The Holidays

With all of the above health concerns, you might be worried that the holiday fun is ruined. But home health care providers like Amavi say that you should not fret. Here are some simple tips to help you be healthy during the season. 

Eat Wisely

The first thing you want to do for the season is control your diet. If you already have your meal plan, ensure that you follow it closely during the season. If you don’t have one, it is time to make yours. 

One nifty trick is to incorporate holiday dishes into your meal plan. Consider the gatherings and events you attend and determine which food you are likely to eat during those. You can then plan your other meals to remain within your recommended intake. 

Another way to control yourself during holiday feasts is by watching your servings. For that, it is a good idea to use a small plate when getting your food. You can fill this with your favorite food. Eat slowly so that you can savor them more. 

Note that, when people eat slowly, they become satiated, therefore not wanting second servings. Eating slowly also helps in digestion and lowers the risk of aspiration.

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Nutrition And Diet For Seniors


The holidays are also often considered a time for relaxation. But that doesn’t mean you will lounge around all season. Getting up and exercising is a great way to burn up all the calories from the feasts. Set up a simple exercise routine that you can perform during your downtime. 

Participating in the holiday preparations is itself a good exercise. Engage in physical activities like walking to the market to buy things. You can also join in more leisurely holiday activities. These will help you calm your mind and relieve stress. 

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Follow Safety Precautions

Even with all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, you should ensure that everyone in your home follows safety procedures. Ensure that everything in the kitchen is safe to use. You should also get additional equipment like fire alarms and smoke detectors. 

Be prepared even during the celebrations. Have a first aid kit ready to respond to different injuries. It would also be a good idea to stay in touch with health services. Home health care providers like Amavi can respond to you as needed. 

Don’t Forget About Your Medical Needs

Before embarking on a holiday celebration, it would be wise to undergo a medical checkup. Doctors can remind you of what you should be doing during the season. They will even be able to give you advice on general health. 

You should also take your medication regularly. Also, be sure to get a good night’s rest. That will help you in recharging after all that partying you have done.

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Enjoy The Holidays With The Best Home Health Care

The various health concerns should not hamper your holiday fun. And Amavi is ready to help you ensure that will be the case. Sign up with us today and get the best home health care you can get this season. Have fun and stay healthy.

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