Home Massage Therapy for Seniors

As we grow older, our body becomes more susceptible to tiring. And for that, having a soothing massage is always welcomed. But not everyone can go to the massage parlor or health center regularly. Luckily, home health care providers can offer a great solution: in-home massage. Let’s explore how this works and how you can get a more soothing experience from it. 

Home Health Care Service in California Massage Therapy

The Benefits Of In Home Massage For Seniors

As it turns out, getting a full body massage isn’t just a soothing experience for older people. They can also get several great benefits, including the following. 

Improves Blood Flow

One of the biggest health concerns that older people face is erratic blood circulation. That is mainly due to the weakening of your blood vessels and the decreased heart efficiency. That erratic blood flow can lead to illnesses like high blood pressure and other heart issues. 

Getting a full body massage can help you improve your blood flow significantly. It does this by helping relax your arteries and veins. That lets blood flow freely around your body and distribute the needed nutrients. 

Besides the heart, massage can also improve blood circulation to your limbs. That is particularly vital for seniors who are either bedridden or less mobile. Improved blood flow ensures that the extremities are getting nourished. 

Improved Physical Condition

Another common concern for many seniors is stiffening muscles and joints. That leads to them having a difficult time moving around. A massage can help loosen these stiff joints and soften the muscles. 

That, in turn, can help you improve your balance and gait. Since your muscles are now loose, you can better move around and control your body. That is especially helpful when preventing falls, one of the risks seniors face. 

Stimulates The Nervous System

Massage therapy has been shown to encourage the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters, and other hormones. All these contribute to ensuring that your nervous system is functioning correctly. Additionally, the massage can help relieve stress. 

Going further, a therapeutic massage is also helpful for recovering stroke patients. It stimulates affected areas, helping patients recover motor functions faster. That is why doctors recommend it as part of the recovery process. 

Home Health in California Massage Therapy

The Difference Of Geriatric Massage

Now that you have seen the benefits, this should convince you to give massage therapy a try. But don’t go rushing to your massage parlor just yet. You also need to understand the difference between a geriatric massage from other massage therapy forms. 

One of the significant differences is that geriatric massage is intended for dealing with specific health conditions that older people have. With this, therapists ensure that the senior won’t be harmed while still enjoying the comforts of the massage. 

For instance, older people’s skins are more prone to tearing and bruising. To avoid that, therapists use a combination of gentler strokes and milder stretching. Additionally, the sessions are typically shorter, sometimes lasting just 30 minutes. 

Some patients might also have specific conditions like arthritis. For these, geriatric massage therapists make the necessary adjustments. For instance, they might adjust the height and position of the massage table for easier access. They can also assist the client when undressing or dressing back again. 

Aside from this, geriatric massage might also involve a different approach to small talk. While you might not be aware of it, conversation is also a part of the massage experience. Therapists can also listen to older clients’ stories and make them feel more welcomed. 

Home Health Care in California Massage Therapy

The Types Of Massages For Seniors

A great thing about in-home massage therapies for seniors is that they can choose from many options. There are various general options for simply feeling more relaxed. There are also specialized ones for dealing with certain conditions. 

Swedish massage

This type of massage involves using long strokes to return the blood to the heart. It also works to loosen tight muscles and increase the oxygen in the blood. The result is a more relaxed feeling and less stress. 

Deep Tissue Massage

In this type of massage, the therapist uses pressure alongside long strokes to probe deeper into the tissues and muscles. The method can relieve chronic aches and pain in the neck, upper and lower back, shoulders, and legs. However, seniors should be prepared, as this can be a bit harder than usual. 

Lymphatic Massage

This type of massage specifically targets the lymph nodes. Here, the therapist uses slow circular motions to drain the lymph fluids. The therapy is especially great for reducing swelling and pain in different parts of the body. It is also ideal for women who have undergone breast cancer surgery. 

Home Health Service in California Massage Therapy

Simple Home Massage Techniques

While getting a full home massage session is easy through a home health care provider like Amavi, not everyone might have time for it. Luckily, there are several simple techniques that you or your loved one can perform to get that relaxing feeling. 

Chair Massage For The Shoulders

As the name says, you can get this while sitting down. It helps loosen your shoulders and allows for greater movement. 

  1. Start by positioning the chair in front of the table and letting the senior sit comfortably. You can place a pillow between the chair and table so the senior can lean on it. 
  2. Ask them to take a few deep breaths. 
  3. Stand behind the chair and begin massaging their shoulders. To do this, place your hands on one shoulder. Grab the shoulder between your fingers and thumb. 
  4. Gently lift the skin and muscles upward. Supply only a small amount of pressure. 
  5. Perform the kneading motion for 20-30 seconds. You then move your hands through the entire length of the shoulders. Repeat for the other shoulder. 

Bed Foot Massage

This technique is great for helping seniors deal with arthritis pains. You can perform it while they are lying on the bed before sleeping. 

  1. Ask the senior to lie face up on the bead. Elevate their head by placing a pillow under their head if they prefer.
  2. Sit beside the bed and place one of their feet onto your lap. 
  3. You can use lotions or oils for the massage if you have them. Place a tiny bit on your hand and rub it on their feet for 30 seconds until they get accustomed to your touch. 
  4. Use a kneading motion similar to the above to massage the foot. Do this for 10-20 seconds and move along the foot in a circular motion. 
  5. Repeat for the other foot. 

Home Health Service Care in California Pediatric

Get The Best Home Health Care For Your Massage Needs

At Amavi, we have made it our goal to give elderly clients all the comforts of home health care. And that includes getting a relaxing massage. We have expert therapists within our team to give you that warm, soothing touch. Contact us today to learn more. 


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