
Hospice Eligibility and Getting Started

For patients and families facing a terminal illness, knowing when hospice care may be an option can bring up many questions. At Amavi Hospice, we aim to provide clear guidance to help make this transition as supportive as possible.

Hospice Eligibility Criteria

Hospice care focuses on providing comfort, dignity and quality of life when a patient's illness becomes life-limiting. In general, hospice care may be appropriate if a doctor determines the patient has a life expectancy of 6 months or less if the illness runs its natural course. However, a specific prognosis alone does not determine eligibility. Factors like the severity of symptoms, degree of health decline, and overall care needs are also carefully considered.

Our hospice team takes a holistic approach to assessing each patient's unique situation with compassion. We understand every case is different, which is why we evaluate hospice eligibility on an individual basis.

The Path to Hospice Care

Transitioning into hospice care involves several essential steps, beginning with the referral process and leading to the initial assessment by the hospice team. Let's explore these steps in detail:

Step 1: Referral for Hospice Care

The journey into hospice care typically begins with a referral from a healthcare provider. Whether it's a physician, nurse practitioner, or other medical professional, the referral signals the recognition of the patient's need for specialized end-of-life support. Referrals can also come from family members, caregivers, or individuals advocating for the patient's well-being. Give us a call for a consultation. We can help facilitate the physician referral process and evaluate your loved one's eligibility for admission to our hospice program.

Step 2: Initial Assessment

Following the referral, the next step is an initial assessment by the hospice team. Led by a hospice nurse or other qualified professional, this assessment is comprehensive, aiming to gather information about the patient's medical history, current symptoms, and overall health status. The goal is to determine the patient's eligibility for hospice care and to develop a personalized care plan tailored to their needs.This meeting also allows the family to ask questions and discuss their loved one's care preferences.

Step 3: Ongoing Care & Support

If the patient qualifies for hospice services, Amavi's interdisciplinary hospice team will create a personalized care plan focused on managing pain, providing personal care support, offering counseling, and more. Our team then begins making regular visits to provide this specialized care in whichever setting the patient calls home.

Guidance Every Step

We understand the hospice journey can create uncertainty for patients and families. You don't have to walk this path alone. Amavi's hospice team has years of experience guiding loved ones through this transition with empathy and support.

If you are considering hospice as an option, please reach out to us. We're here to listen, answer your questions, and help determine if this is the right care choice for your family. Our team will provide guidance throughout the hospice process, keeping your loved one's comfort and quality of life as the top priority.

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